Protection unit members shoot man who 'attacked' Cape Town MMC's car

24 May 2023 - 20:44
One suspect was wounded when Cape Town VIP protection unit members moved to protect an MMC who was being attacked.
Image: City of Cape Town One suspect was wounded when Cape Town VIP protection unit members moved to protect an MMC who was being attacked.

Cape Town’s safety and security VIP unit used firearms to foil an “attack” on a vehicle transporting the city’s MMC for urban mobility on Wednesday. 

Councillor Rob Quintas was targeted in Joe Slovo, Phoenix. 

MMC for safety and security JP Smith said: “We are relieved that an attack on the member ...  was stopped by the VIP unit of the City of Cape Town.

“I was just informed by the safety and security VIP unit and councillor Quintas that the VIP vehicle transporting [him] came under attack in Joe Slovo in Phoenix. The VIP unit were required to use their firearms.”

A wounded suspect was arrested and is receiving medical treatment. 

A case will be opened at the Milnerton police station.