Jacob Zuma files application for Raymond Zondo’s recusal

12 November 2020 - 18:09
By Karyn Maughan
Former president Jacob Zuma.
Image: GCIS Former president Jacob Zuma.

Former president Jacob Zuma has officially applied for deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo to recuse himself as state capture commission chair.

This comes just days before the former First Citizen was subpoenaed to appear before the commission. He was expected to appear on Monday, November 16.

The filing of Zuma’s application, which is understood to be 100 pages long, comes after the inquiry’s secretary, Itumeleng Mosala, warned Zuma’s attorney, Eric Mabuza, on Wednesday that even if such an application were filed, the former president was still expected to appear on Monday.

In response, Mabuza told Mosala: “We want to remind you, professor, that you have no authority whatsoever to warn President Zuma of anything.”
