Ace Magashule touched on his studio by popularity survey

22 August 2019 - 11:40
ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule.
Image: ALON SKUY ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule.

The ANC has defended Ace Magashule after a survey revealed that its secretary-general was the least popular high-profile political leader in the country. 

This after marketing and social research consultancy Citizen Surveys this week released data showing there was growing dissatisfaction with SA’s politicians and political parties.

The study revealed that on the popularity of individual political leaders, Magashule was rock bottom, with just 11% of South Africans pleased with him, while President Cyril Ramaphosa still enjoyed favour with six in 10 South Africans.

On Thursday, the ANC said the survey was aimed at isolating Magashule from the leadership collective of the governing party.

This latest salvo is also an attempt to isolate ANC secretary-general Comrade Ace Magashule and further cast imaginary doubt on his abilities,” said ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe.

“The secretary-general of the ANC is part of the leadership collective as elected at the 54th national conference and not in any popularity contest. Our renewal and unity project demands that we all stay vigilant against wedge-drivers.”

According to Mabe, the study was tantamount to “peddling of lies with divisive intentions”.

He called on South Africans to reject the data.

Mabe said: “This research is nothing but an insult to the intelligence of all peace-loving South Africans who despise hatred and embrace love for one another regardless of race, gender, creed and ideology.

“The people of South Africa must unite and expose such formations hell-bent on tarnishing the good image of our individual leaders.”