Ranga Chivaviro of Marumo Gallants FC.
Image: Darren Stewart
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Following their impressive form in the CAF Confederation Cup, Marumo Gallants caretaker coach Raymond Mdaka is optimistic that they will translate that into the DStv Premiership matches as they look to survive relegation.

Gallants impressive start in the Confederation Cup group stages continued when they beat St Eloi Lupopo at the Stade des Martyrs 2-1 in Kinshasa, DR Congo, on Sunday.

They scored twice in the first half via Mpho Mvelase and Ranga Chivaviro to take control of Group A with six points from two matches.

Their next match in the continent is against USM Alger on Sunday at Stade Nelson Mandela in Algeria at 9pm, thereafter, they return to league action with an important match against TS Galaxy at Peter Mokaba Stadium on March 4.

“If we can have consistency, it gives confidence to the boys and we believe things will get easier from here,” Mdaka told Sowetan yesterday.

“Now we are scoring goals even when we are playing away in the continent and this is promising for the club.

“Nothing much has changed because we are still using the same players we have been using. The only thing we did was to work more on our finishing, hence we are seeing the results now and we are also playing with two strikers.

“We also have more players who were injured and are coming back now, which is also helping.”

Gallants are at the bottom of the table in the league and Mdaka is confident they will start winning matches.

“It’s promising now that we can show the same performance when we return and we believe we will do that and start collecting points and move away from the danger zone,” he said.

“We just have to continue with the same performance and like I said, show consistency both in the continent and the league.”

Reflecting on their victory away on Sunday, Mdaka said it was a difficult encounter and they were pleased with the outcome.

“When we started, we struggled because those guys used power and strength and they played long balls, but we regrouped and dealt with that well.

“We scored two goals and we defended well under pressure and only conceded late in the match. It was not easy, it was tough.”

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