Orlando Pirates and Mamelodi Sundowns threw punches at the FNB stadium.
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A video of Orlando Pirates and Mamelodi Sundowns fans fighting each other has left many confused. 

It is not clear what the supporters in team regalia were fighting over, but they are seen throwing punches at each other while others watched.

The brawl took place at the FNB Stadium where Sundowns got a 4-0 victory over the Buccaneers. 

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Sundowns crushed the Buccaneers to lift the Carling Black Label Cup in front of a lively crowd through first half goals by Sphelele Mkhulise, Grant Kekana and two from Cassius Mailula. 

With this comprehensive victory, Sundowns have scored 15 goals in their last four completed matches and are yet to concede.

Pirates defender Tapelo Xoki was given his marching orders after a dangerous tackle on Sundowns' Haashim Domingo.

“His absence opened up the floodgates with Sundowns taking the lead just two minutes later after stretching the Bucs' defence, allowing Mkhulise an easy tap-in on the far post.

“While Pirates’ chances of creating any forward momentum were stunted by their numerical disadvantage, they were kept busy at the back and it wasn’t long before Sundowns stretched their lead as Grant Kekana made it 2-0 in the 33rd minute,” the club's official website said of the game. 

Online fans weighed in on the brawl, with many speculating it was over the match. 

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