Kaitano Tembo has lost his Supersport job.
Image: Sydney Seshibedi
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SuperSport United CEO Stan Matthews has paid a glowing tribute to coach Kaitano Tembo but admitted losing to second-tier side Tshakhuma Tsha Madzivhandila (TTM), where they bottled a 2-goal advantage to be defeated 3-2 in the Nedbank Cup last eight last Friday, made it difficult for the club to keep him.

As anticipated, Tembos 23-year stay at SuperSport came to an end yesterday following a spate of poor results. Matthews didnt hide that their defeat to Tshakhuma last week was the final nail in Tembos coffin, highlighting all the good work the coach did for Matsatsantsa.

Assistant coach Andre Arendse will lead the team, starting in their Saturdays match against Kaizer Chiefs away, until the end of the season.

As you know, in football were judged by results. We tossed away some games that we were well in front and should have wrapped up the points but ended up throwing away those points. And then... weve lost to a National First Division side in the Nedbank Cup, which is something that hadnt happened to us before. We certainly dont think we should have lost that game, Matthews explained.

Obviously, its a very sad day in the life of our football club. Kaitano has been a loyal long-serving member of the club for 23 years. He served us well as a player and in the academys coaching structures he did extremely well, winning trophies. He earned his place as an assistant to Gavin Hunt, Stuart Baxter and Eric Tinkler. As a head coach he won one trophy and took us to two finals. He promoted so many good youngsters.

It was only in March 2018 when the 51-year-old assumed the head coaching position.

Tembo couldn't be reached for comment yesterday. Former AmaZulu trainer Benni McCarthy is said to be the man Matsatsantsa are courting to replace Tembo.

Did you know?

  • Tembo took charge of 135 matches at SuperSport, winning 55 with 42 draws and 38 defeats
  • Hes the clubs third-longest serving coach behind Hunt and Pitso Mosimane
  • He delivered one cup, the 2019/20 seasons MTN8
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