2017 SPAR Grand Prix champion, Kesa Molotsane
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Former Spar Grand Prix winner Kesa Molotsane will be out to get a top five finish in Sunday’s 10km race that will be taking place in Johannesburg.

Molotsane is currently third in the Women's Grand Prix, behind Ethiopian runners Tadu Nare and Selam Gebre who are in first and second place respectively. The Murray and Roberts runner has been one of the consistent performers in their season's series, getting three top five finishes. 

Even though she has put up some encouraging displays this season, the calendar around the 10km races has taken a toll on Molotsane's body. 

“The body is slowly but surely giving up, it’s getting tired," said Molotsane.

"I think the placing of the races has not been working well with my calendar and training schedule. I have done so many 10kms just this past season alone. I have had more 10km races than the other season," she said.

Looking forward to the race that will start at 8am at Marks Park, Molotsane wants to give it her all to make sure that she keeps a place in the top three and close a season, she has called unpredictable, on a high. 

“I’ve had a very unpredictable season; so far I think I’ve done enough, I have done well from my side. I think the only thing that needs to be done is finishing off the last two races, the Joburg and Cape Town.

“Going to the weekend race, I’m looking forward to getting enough points to stay where I am. I want to see how it pans out this weekend and I will give it my best,” said Molotsane. 

One aspect of the race that Molotsane is looking forward to is seeing her close friend Mapaseka Makhanya,  who was a late entrant for Sunday’s race. Molotsane revealed she had to sweet talk her into joining. 

"I spoke to Mapaseka and I encouraged her to enter and she entered eventually. It was getting difficult to get her to join us, I just wanted her to enjoy this local one. She’s been having challenges with injuries and all of that. I’m glad she’s back and I’m glad to be racing with her on Sunday."

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