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Newly appointed Springbok assistant coach Franco Smith said he was keeping a keen eye on the Six Nations and hopes his playing and coaching experiences in Europe will come in handy for France's inbound tour in June.

In his coaching stint with Italian side Treviso from 2006 till 2013‚ he had a good view of the Northern Hemisphere sides in all the competitions.

Smith is also not worried by the fact he wears two coaching hats with the other one being the Cheetahs Super Rugby head coaching position.

“I coached for seven years in the now-defunct Heineken Cup and the Pro-12‚ so I've followed the Northern Hemisphere nations precisely in terms of what they've been up to at club level and what they do in the Six Nations‚" Smith said.

"There are ideas that we need to trial but at this point‚ they're just ideas. However‚ there will be very precise plan.

“I'm serving rugby on two fronts and I know it's going to be a tough ask but I've worked out my plan and how we're going to do this.

"I must emphasise that I don't want to neglect one of the two roles.

"I'm going to try burn both candles and it's been done before.

"Look at Stephen Larkham at the Brumbies and he also works with the Wallabies.

"It's not an impossible task and it's time management.”

With Springbok head coach Allister Coetzee advocating for winning rugby instead of entertainment‚ Smith said he agreed with Coetzee's statement.

Last year‚ the Boks played with little semblance of coherence and it showed in their results.

They only won four of their 12 test while also being on the receiving end of a record home defeat to the All Blacks at King Park in October.

Smith also praised the franchises for acceding to their request of releasing players for an early camp to assist with preparations for what will be a tough and defining year for the Boks.

“I've played a few test matches so I understand the coach when he talks about winning rugby - I understand the need to win before entertaining.

"There's the challenge of the inbound tour of the Northern Hemisphere side that's coming.

"There'll also be the Rugby Championships on the back of the Super Rugby tournament and that comes with its own challenges.

"There's also the end of year tour which has its own challenges.

"It's just a case of planning week by week‚” Smith said.

“Without referring to other countries‚ they know their national teams come first and I believe that's what we have to do here in South Africa.

"Being one of the franchise coaches and having sat in the meetings with the coaches‚ seeing the improved ball in hand approach is excellent.

"There's a gulf between test and Super rugby but it's a good compliment to the franchises in terms of releasing the players.” - TMG Digital

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