Bafana Bafana players. Picture credits: SAFA
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Bafana Bafana coach Shakes Mashaba says his players looked sharp ahead of their international friendly clash against Costa Rica despite the lack of sufficient time to gel.

Mashaba is confident that his players will be up to the task and the spirit is high in the camp.

After the match against Costa Rica tonight, Bafana Bafana leave for Honduras on Friday to complete the Central American tour which both Ngcongca and goalkeeper Itumeleng Khune said should be used as a springboard to achieve greater things.

"The only area of concern is upfront where I think we are a bit short of strikers but in general, fans should be in for a real treat," said Mashaba told Safa website.

"The players looked sharp and despite the lack of sufficient time to gel, I am happy, very happy with what I have at my disposal. We should compete, and compete hard, come match day."

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