VICTIMISED: Mario Balotelli of AC Milan. Photo: Getty Images
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MILAN - Fifa president Sepp Blatter says he was "appalled" when learning that AC Milan's match against Roma was suspended because of racist chanting.

Sunday's game was stopped for 97 seconds during the second half when Roma supporters would not stop chanting at Milan players Mario Balotelli and Kevin-Prince Boateng.

Blatter tweeted yesterday: "Appalled to read about racist abuse in Serie A last night (Sunday). Tackling this issue is complex, but we're committed to action, not just words." Blatter added that Fifa's taskforce against racism and discrimination was "serious about devising a unified approach for Fifa's 209 members." Referee Gianluca Rocchi made the decision to suspend the match briefly after warnings issued over the stadium speaker system went unheeded.

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