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FUKUOKA - Josphat Ndambiri led Kenya's one-two finish in the Fukuoka men's marathon in Japan yesterday in his first full marathon, underlining his country's wealth of long-distance runners.

The 26-year-old, who has been based in Japan since his teenage years, broke away from the front-running pack at the 25km mark with fellow Kenyan and Japan resident James Mwangi trailing him.

Ndambiri's lead over Mwangi widened to 36 seconds after 35km and he went on to win the 42,195km race in 2:07:36.

Mwangi, 27, followed home about one minute behind in 2:08:38 with Japan's Yuki Kawauchi crossing the finish line in third place in 2:09:57.

"I pulled ahead as I saw nobody coming up front," Ndambiri said, recalling his spurt after 25km when the pacemakers pulled out.

"I guess the time is good for my first marathon."

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