ballot paper.
Image: Kevin Sutherland/ File photo
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Ominous signs are appearing across our political landscape as political gladiators hone their skills for the upcoming general elections.

Insults, fiery rhetoric and character assassination have become political tools to acquire supremacy. Tension is building up, volatility is on the increase, premonition of strife ahead.

I fear a repeat of July 2021, when SA was rocked, mutilated by mindless violence. Irrespective of your colour or political affiliation, do not relent in your quest for continuous sustenance of peace and unity among us all.

SA is our country, and we are all duty bound to protect it no matter the circumstances. Let us all join hands together to ensure that the future of generations to come is assured. Let us handover to them a future free of violence, racial prejudice and political bigotry.

Leaders are urging us to embrace peace and observe restraint in volatile situations. Our souls seek calm amid the storm, peace among the possible chaos. 

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The greatest impediment to progress in our strife-torn land is the demonic corruption, which has destroyed the quality of life and turned the majority of our citizens into beggars. The money that was embezzled by the elites over the past 27 years could have completely obliterated poverty.

Nevertheless, we must continue to strive for peace under these difficult conditions. Peace is not the absence of conflict. However, a society is judged by how it is able to manage its conflicts to ensure peaceful coexistence.

Today there are growing suspicions in most parts of our national life. Suspicion breeds fear.

Our country was labelled corrupt and violent. It is not a medal we should wear with pride. In this critical hour, the people of our pulverised land are crying out for positive leaders to lead us. The must steer us away from calamity, reunite a battered land, restore a shattered economy, lead us from death to life – from falsehood to truth, from despair to hope, from fear to trust.

We live in very polarising times, division, hatred, prejudice and jealousy infiltrated every layer of our society, separating even close friends and family members. New politically inspired divisions continue to tear at the seams of the fabric of our nation. A poignant plea in our darkest hour, we must put aside our own feelings, jumbled as they may be at the moment, in service of others, our neighbours, the unemployed, the destitute, the jobless and the masses who were unfortunate victims of the calamity that overtook us and destroyed our spirits.

During these days of anger, division and uncertainty, most of us aren’t quite sure how to respond. Peace building is an enabler of development, security, social economic justice and reconciliation. They are the reasons why investing in peace building and conflict resolution and prevention should be our response. Let us all strive sincerely for collective and genuine peace and in the process to structure a revised nation built on equality for all.

The alternatives are too ghastly to contemplate. Let the elections in 2024 be conducted in a tense-free atmosphere.

  • Araie is a Sowetan reader
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