The ANC flag. File photo.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba
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In December 1990, Oliver Tambo, when handing over the leadership of the ANC after leading its external mission for 30 years, said: “I devotedly watched over the organisation all these years. I now hand it over back to you, bigger, stronger – intact. Guard your precious movement.”

As in the past, our cadres should be the first to rally to the defence of the people and the last to seek reward. Tambo’s words are worth reflecting on today to raise important questions about the current challenges facing the ANC which include disunity, decampaigning by its own efforts, greed on the part of its leaders in all spheres, name dropping, character assassinations, maladministration by those in government, decline in membership because of hatred among comrades of the same ANC, and mostly corruption.

As a disciplined member ofthis glorious movement inspired by its departed leaders such as Tambo, Nelson Mandela, Chris Hani, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, SolomonMahlangu, Walter Sisulu, Moses Mabhida, Lilian Ngoyi, Mzwanele Fazzie, Charlotte Maxeke, Moses Kotane, Anton Lembede and many more, we must be the voice of the voiceless in ensuring that those champions of corruption, factions and killings are named and brought to book.

We cannot sit back and allow populists and gangsters to destroy what Tambo kept intact for 30 years. The ANC needs leaders and members who reprimand wrong doing and must unapologetically shame them without fear or favour.

It’s worrying to see our veterans such as Dr Mavuso Msimang resigning from this movement. I call on the NEC of the ANC were cently elected in the 2022 55th Conference to convene an early Special National General Council so that we go to the elections sober and clear. We must jealousy defend and re-build our ANC, while isolating all those selfish individuals who are calling themselves leaders whose only interest is in looting.

Viwe Sidali, Mzwanele Fazzie branch deputy chairperson

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