Brig Julius Mkhwanazi, a director of specialised services at the Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department (EMPD).
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Earlier this year, a woman posted on social media pictures of herself and children being escorted by police blue lights and sirens. 

She was boastful, indicating to her followers the luxurious life she led. 

Through the posts, Cordelia Kabeng, a partner to Vusimuzi Matlala, would inadvertently expose a questionable relationship between Matlala, a businessman implicated in the Tembisa Hospital corruption scandal, and a senior metro cop in Ekurhuleni, Julius Mkhwanazi. 

Mkhwanazi was suspended in February for allegedly allowing the use of blue lights by civilians as well as other unauthorised dealings with Matlala’s company CAT VIP. 

His disciplinary charge sheet, seen by this publication, lists alleged dishonesty and the abuse of power in that he, among others, solicited and received donated goods and services on behalf of the metro from CAT VIP through a so-called partnership that was never duly authorised. 

Evidence against him includes what appears to be forgery of documentation to present the company as having rendered services to the municipality under the guise of the alleged partnership.

Today, we report that Mkhwanazi has since returned to work without a disciplinary hearing having taken place. The charges against him have seemingly vanished. 

The city has refused to answer questions about how a man who was accused of abusing his position for the alleged benefit of his associates, returned to his job without a process of accountability – as mandated by law. 

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This stance by the city is unacceptable and raises questions about why Mkhwanazi is being shielded from answering valid questions about his conduct.

Importantly, it raises questions about who is potentially shielding him from answering such questions.

City authorities have displayed clear disdain for their duty to be transparent – a major concern in a country where the abuse of power, especially by those in law enforcement, is perennial.

The culture of public accountability has steadily been eroded, largely because of the misdeeds of those who hold powerful positions in our society which often go unpunished. 

This impunity filters to every aspect and level of our governance.

But it must not be allowed. 

The council in Ekurhuleni has a responsibility to question the circumstances and decisions which led to its administrative authorities abandoning an investigation on serious charges.

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