Orlando Pirates have confirmed that they have no intentions to boycott their pre-season friendly against Israeli side Maccabi Tel Aviv.
Image: Lefty Shivambu/Gallo Images
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Sports and politics should ideally never mix. With the attainment of democracy in this country, many a sports lover sighed with relief that an uncomfortable aspect of the Struggle was over, never to be revisited. But the world is ever changing and what is the norm one day can easily be tomorrow’s defined abnormality.

A debate is raging in the country right now over a match scheduled between South African football giants Orlando Pirates and Israeli side Maccabi Tel Aviv in Spain, where the Buccaneers are spending part of their pre-season camp. The fixture with Tel Aviv takes place tomorrow.

The call is that Pirates pull out of the clash because of the political situation in Israel, where the Jewish state is running what many regard as an apartheid regime against Palestinians.

Pirates issued a statement on Monday reiterating their intention to go ahead with the match despite the growing calls back home to withdraw. Late in the day, the ANC Veterans League (ANCVL) joined the chorus of calls, which included esteemed former director of public prosecutions Vusi Pikoli who declared he would stop supporting Pirates should they go ahead and play Maccabi.

It is a noble call for Pirates to consider despite the great Struggle credentials the club listed in its statement. SA would arguably not be here today as a democratic state had the arts, culture and sports boycott not been part of the fight against apartheid. And as a club steeped in tradition with the black majority, those at the helm of Pirates should know better to be on the side of the oppressed.

There may well be contractual obligations to consider for the club and an 11th hour withdrawal may hurt them in some way. But the Palestine cause is a higher calling that warrants the sacrifice.

We would be failing in our duty if we did not call out the opportunists jumping on a populist bandwagon all the while using megaphone diplomacy that could possibly have people more entrenched in their positions.

Why was this call not made earlier when news broke of Pirates tour of Spain? Did those making calls through the media even seek Pirates out to hear their side of the story, then try to show them the error of their ways?

As for the ANCVL, it all smacks of hypocrisy when a government led by their own party has diplomatic ties with Israel, however, downgraded those might be. SA also continues to trade with Israel. Where is the consistency?

In the end we hope Pirates and those putting pressure on them can find some middle ground going forward.

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