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THE deputy minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Pieter Mulder is a very silly man. We would be laughing at his utterances, if only it were not such a serious matter.

Here is a man whose father was a key National Party leader, a party whose official policy was declared a crime against humanity.

Mulder has the guts to tell blacks that they have no right over certain parts of the country because it was territory without people - terra nullius.

This terrible concept was used by colonialists everywhere to plunder and murder indigenous peoples for their lands.

Eighteen years into democracy, we are assaulted by such outrage, clearly something is wrong here. Mulder tells us his view that blacks or - to use his lexicon - Bantus immigrated from the north and arrived here at almost the same time as whites and never occupied parts of Western and Northern Cape.

According to this history, concocted from the diaries of plunderers, they found no one in those territories. Of course this theme has variations such as, "oh well, there were Khoisan people or the first people, but they are not Africans".

The worst thing is that those who arrogate unto themselves the right to speak on behalf of the "first people" are the same people whose ancestors murdered and poisoned the "first people" en massealmost to extinction.

This denial of genocidal violent colonialism by beneficiaries of that system explains just how far as a country we have allowed the idea of reconciliation to be devoid of truth or justice.

Mulder is milking the generosity of blacks, which he regards as stupidity.

Given his upbringing and his public and consistent defence of the anti-black racist agricultural sector, where blacks remain slaves, we shouldn't be surprised by Mulder's racist outbursts.

What I can't understand is on what rational grounds the ANC gave this man his job. Mulder never hid his anti-transformation views and agendas. Someone must ask the ANC to explain to this nation how it reconciles its proclaimed commitment to transformation and giving such an individual such huge responsibilities.

The hypocrite here is not Mulder, he is just a racist. The real hypocrites who speak with forked tongues are those in the ANC.

Mulder relies on racist science to insult us. When the whites came to catch blacks as slaves they had a science to back them up, it said blacks were sub-human. The colonialist who came here to steal land had a science that said it was land without a people, terra nullius. Even apartheid had its scientists who perverted reality to justify their evil deeds. Hitler too had his scientists to justify the Holocaust. The difference is that the Jewish people have been either executing their persecutors or hunting them down.

Blacks, under the guidance of the mighty ANC, are rewarding those who oppressed them.

This is not a way to build a country for lasting peace and justice. But I don't blame Mulder, I blame his bosses, the ANC, for his outrageous claims

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