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Thailand's state-owned pharmaceutical enterprise it to launch a generic erectile disfunction drug next month to replace expensive imports and dubious counterfeits.

"Thailand currently imports about 1 to 2 million Viagra pills a year," said Witit Artvatkun, managing director of the state-owned Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO).

"GPO will produce a generic alternative to supply the domestic market and later for exports," he said.

The drug known as Sidagra will be launched on October 15 in two doses, with the 50-milligram dosage selling for 25 baht (0.80 cents) per tablet and 100 milligrams for 45 baht.

Viagra currently retails for about 200 baht per 100-milligram pill at drug stores. Counterfeits are available at street stalls near Bangkok's entertainment spots for about 100 baht.

"There is a lot of counterfeit Viagra smuggled into Thailand," Witit said. "We want to make a cheap, safe product that is easily accessible for people suffering from heart disease or diabetes and need to use this drug."Authors: Somchai Kwankijswet and Peter Janssen


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