The construction of Mayibuye Clinic in Krugersdorp, on the west Rand, has been halted due to poor performance.
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A foundation and a few pillars is all that is left at the construction site of Mayibuye Clinic after the contractor was dismissed by the state for poor performance in 2021.

What was meant to be a state-of-the-art facility in Munsieville, Krugersdorp, is now just a broken foundation with overgrown grass. The construction of the project began in 2019 before the Gauteng department of infrastructure development terminated its contract with Tsheune Shibushi Construction after R7m was spent from the allocated R67m.  

Community member Mapule More, 70, who lives just a street away from what would have been their new health facility, said she has to walk a kilometre to get her treatment from another clinic.  

“I’m old and the road is not even. One moment you are going up the hill the next minute you are going down the slope,” she said.   

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The department fired the contractor in September 2021 citing its incompetence for the project, which was meant to be finished by the end of December 2020,

The department said it would soon go to the area to assess if it can complete the work.

“We are going to perform the structural test that would indicate whether the structure is defective or not. We will then appoint a professional team to complete the clinic,” said department spokesperson Alfred Nhlapo.

He did not reply when asked if the department would recoup money spent on the project from Tsheune Shibushi Construction.

About 60km away in Ext 5 in Khutsong township, a clinic construction project was also abandoned twice, in 2017 and 2021, because of poor performance. Construction started in 2016 and was meant to be finished by  April 2017. 

The department spent R40m on contractor Group One Asatico JV Construction before the agreement was terminated in 2021. 

The clinic, which was expected to have numerous maternity wards, admission rooms, emergency centres, and a temporary mortuary, remains an eyesore. 

Nhlapo said the project was currently at procurement stage for completion.

“The department has made significant progress in terms of planning the completion of the contract and ensuring the project is finalised,” he said.

He said that terminating a contract due to poor performance was the last step they take. 

“The project is managed through a contract, which has conditions and remedies. If performance does not improve, the department will explore alternative remedies in line with the contract to conclude the project. This will affect the project completion date and delay community access to a much-needed public facility. However, the department remains committed to accelerated completion of the project.”

Nhlapo said the outstanding works are electrical work, civil works, ancillary buildings, fire protection installation, health technology equipment, and landscaping, among others.


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