Jailed Mamelodi taxi boss Vusi 'Khekhe' Mathibela in the Pretoria high court. File photo.
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Controversial taxi boss Vusi “Khekhe” Mathibela and his co-accused will return to the Pretoria high court in January to hear their sentences.

Pre-sentencing proceedings for Mathibela, Sipho Patrick Hudla, Robert Mutapa and Bonginkosi Paul Khumalo continued this week where arguments were heard until Thursday.

The four men have been found guilty of gunning down Wandile Bozwana, a North West businessman, on the Garsfontein off-ramp in Tshwane in October 2015. They were also convicted of attempting to murder Bozwana's partner, Mpho Baloyi.

Mathibela still denies involvement in the killing of Bozwana and the attempted murder of Baloyi.

Pre-sentencing reports about the Mamelodi businessman and his co-accused were presented in court, and Mathibela said he could not express remorse or insight for a crime he did not commit.

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The reports had been commissioned by the defence and compiled through interviews with the accused.

Mathibela referred to prison as "torture for the soul and mind". He said his detention had been a traumatic experience. According to the report, the C-max prison has mentally, physically and emotionally destroyed his heart, body and mind.

In the report, Mathibela said he started working in the taxi business after he had left school. After being given two taxis by his grandmother, he was able to start his own business at 17. His business consists of about 50 taxis. He also bought shares in a restaurant in Johannesburg. However, his shares were sold after his arrest.

The social worker's report showed Mathibela's co-accused overcame poverty to become breadwinners and their families are suffering financial hardship due to their incarceration.

In her report, the probation officer did not make a recommendation pertaining to  sentencing.

State prosecutor advocate Jennifer Cronje questioned why a sentence was not recommended, saying it was clear direct imprisonment was the only suitable sentence.

The probation officer conceded during cross-examination that direct imprisonment would be suitable but did not explain why.

Cronje told the court the report would not assist the court as it prepares to hand down  sentencing. 

The matter was on Thursday postponed to January 26 2024 for sentencing.


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