The storm damaged homes and uprooted trees in parts of Pretoria.
Image: 123RF/Trygve Finkelsen
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Houses were damaged as a storm with accompanying high winds wreaked havoc in Tshwane on Tuesday night and left parts of the city without electricity.

Tshwane emergency management services spokesperson Charles Mabaso said trees were uprooted in Valhalla and Centurion.

“Three shacks were blown away in Block K in Soshanguve. Disaster management was dispatched and people managed to find accommodation with their neighbours,” he said.

A house roof was blown away in Soshanguve block HH.

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“No alternative accommodation was required. The family managed to house itself in a room that wasn’t damaged.”

The storm caused no serious harm, Mabaso said.

“No injuries or deaths were reported to the call centre.”

City of Johannesburg EMS spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi said there were no reports of injuries, damage or fatalities during the storm.

The SA Weather Service on Tuesday noted the first spring thunderstorms were evident around Gauteng. It said the storms are “producing strong winds but not a lot of rain”.


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