Funeral arrangements will be announced soon for MP and former minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson, who died on Monday. File photo.
Image: Trevor Samson
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The ANC in the Northern Cape has described the late Tina Joemat-Pettersson as a selfless anti-apartheid leader, servant of the people and a tried-and-tested daughter of the revolutionary movement. 

At the time of her death, the former minister was an MP serving as chairperson of the National Assembly’s police portfolio committee. 

On Tuesday, Maruping Lekwene, the deputy secretary of the ANC in the Northern Cape, Joemat-Pettersson’s home province, said funeral arrangements would be announced soon.

“As an ANC NWC member the ANC is fully in charge of the funeral preparations. We as the province will work closely with the office of the SG and DSG. We have been in contact since yesterday. There is a team right now that has left for Cape Town, led by the DSG.

“For now we are giving the family space to mourn. As soon as the family is ready, we as the province will implement any directive that will come from above. The question of the type of funeral will be guided by our leaders to give her a send-off she deserves,” he said.

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Lekwene sent the ANC’s condolences to Joemat-Pettersson’s two sons, family and loved ones. 

Joemat-Pettersson was due to enter the ANC Women's League contest for the position of deputy president, a campaign the Northern Cape supported. 

Lekwene praised the former minister’s character and sacrifices in her political work.

“She was a perfectionist, she wanted things to be done in a particular way, she was very strict and she was a strong character, someone who needed things done a right way. She was a very sharp-minded comrade.” 


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