ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula speaks about the challenges facing the governing party.
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“Have you been told of how many billions, that were stolen as a result of corruption, have been recovered through the forfeiture units?” 

This is what ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula said to BBC journalist Stephen Sackur during an interview on Hard Talk on Wednesday, as he was grilled on the ANC’s stance on corruption.

Mbalula was adamant the ANC was fighting corruption and suggested billions stolen during state capture were recovered by law enforcement units after the Zondo commission investigated state capture.

Here are four other quotes from Mbalula during the interview:

'If it was up to the ANC, we would want President Putin to be here tomorrow' 

South Africa has been in the international spotlight lately for its relations with Russia. Mbalula said the South African government was constrained by being part of the ICC but the party had no problem with Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting the country.

He then criticised Britain and the US, saying: “How many crimes has your country [UK] committed in Iraq, how many crimes has everyone who is so vocal today committed in Iraq, in Afghanistan? Have you arrested them? You have not.”

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'Load-shedding will not take the ANC totally out of power'

“It will affect the fortunes of the ANC to register an outright majority if it is not dealt with decisively, but it will not take the ANC totally out of power,” Mbalula said about load-shedding. Mbalula said rolling blackouts were the most difficult issue facing the government since the Covid-19 pandemic.

The ANC secretary-general conceded the government had failed to develop power infrastructure when more people were connected to the grid after 1994. 

“We have given our government and all our ministers [instruction] that everything must be done to do away with load-shedding. If that can happen before the end of the year, then we are happy.” 

'Calling SA a failed state is an exaggeration'

Mbalula said those who described South Africa as a failed state were exaggerating.

SA is undergoing challenges like any country, but I think to put us in the category of a failed state is an exaggeration.” 

'People living under the poverty line is a reflection of the state of the economy'

Mbalula blamed international tensions and the state of the economy for an increase in unemployment.

“People living under the poverty line is a reflection of the state of the economy that has been battered by global features. We are on the recovery, Covid-19 messed up a lot of countries. 

“The Ukraine and Russia war has shattered most economies around the world and has brought a high level of cost of living, and a number of issues that have adversely affected developing countries.” 


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