The 10-year-old girl was kidnapped on Thursday.
Image: 123RF
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A Limpopo girl who was snatched near her home in Thoyohandou on Thursday is said to been found and reunited with her family.

Police, however, maintain there has been no progress in the case.

The 10-year-old girl, whose identity is known to TimesLIVE but is being withheld for safety reasons, was kidnapped by at least two men driving a white Datsun as she walked home from Lukunde Primary School on Thursday afternoon.

CCTV footage from homes in the street show the suspects speeding off moments after she was bundled into the vehicle.

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A community leader TimesLIVE spoke to said the girl had been returned to her family after a ransom was paid to her alleged kidnappers. He said her family had no desire to speak on the matter.

“They found the child yesterday [Friday] at 3. I believe they paid a ransom. She was found here ... in Thoyohandou, but they had an arrangement with the people who [allegedly] hijacked her, who said the family must drop off the money.

“She was found just behind the University of Venda,” he said.

The leader, who did not want to be named, said the girl was snatched 1.5km from her home. He added that the kidnappers initially grabbed the wrong girl, but realised their mistake “same time”.

He was unable to confirm if the girl was unharmed.

He was also unable to confirm the amount allegedly paid to the kidnappers.

“The family said it's confidential.

"Every month from the first to the 10th, they're taking one person from this area,” he added.


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