Deputy President David Mabuza has resigned as an MP. File photo.
Image: Freddy Mavunda
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President Cyril Ramaphosa has confirmed deputy president David Mabuzas resignation.

Mabuza resigned on Tuesday.

In a statement, presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the resignation followed Mabuzas request to step down from the position, which Ramaphosa announced during his State of the Nation Address.

Ramaphosa extended his gratitude and appreciation to Mabuza for his service over the last term.

The deputy president has undertaken the responsibilities of his office with dedication. I am grateful for the support he has provided to me throughout his term and for the leadership he has provided to the work of government.

“His contribution has been valued by the many constituencies with which he has engaged, including traditional leaders, military veterans, civil society formations and international bodies. As leader of government business, he has ably managed the relationship between the executive and parliament, working to ensure that the transformative legislative programme of this administration is advanced,” Ramaphosa said.

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Magwenya said the president would announce in due course the appointment of a new deputy president.

ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile is expected to be announced as Mabuzas replacement after he was sworn in as an MP last month.

Mabuza became the second ANC MP to resign this week after Eastern Cape MP and Sanco provincial chairperson Dr Mike Basopu resigned on Monday. 

Basopus resignation was to make way for finance minister Enoch Godongwana, who was sworn in as an MP on Tuesday.

Godongwanas swearing in comes amid speculation that Ramaphosa was edging closer to finalising and announcing his cabinet reshuffle.

Over the weekend, Ramaphosa held consultation talks with members of the alliance, which include Cosatu and the SACP. 

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