The container which was carrying the diesel is removed from the scene.
Image: Alaister Russel
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It is unclear where the driver of the truck involved in a crash that resulted in an explosion on the N1 was headed, says Johannesburg Emergency Management Services (EMS). 

“He is not parting with details and is not sharing which company he is from. He is just saying he had an emergency and was told to transport the diesel from one point to another,” said spokesperson Xolile Khumalo. 

The truck was pulling a trailer containing a small tanker carrying 1,000 litres of diesel between William Nicol and Malibongwe Drive.

Authorities clean up the N1 after Friday's collision.
Image: Alaister Russell
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Khumalo said the driver claimed to have been driving in the second lane when the car in front of him abruptly hit its brakes.

“He then had to hit his brakes ... He said because the road is 'slopey', he could not control his vehicle and hit the car in front of him. That car then hit another car. During the collision, the tanker he was towing loosened.”

She could not confirm whether it was raining at the time.

Cleanup operations, which could take up to eight hours, are under way, Khumalo said.

One person was treated for moderate injuries by Emer-G-Med.

“He was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital for further care,” said the emergency service's Kyle van Reenen.


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