The Tshwane coalition oversight group welcomed former mayor Randall Williams' resignation as 'an important step in stabilising and ensuring the future of the coalition'. File photo.
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The Tshwane multiparty coalition has expressed its support for the DA to field another mayoral candidate to replace former mayor Randall Williams, who resigned on Monday, despite calling for political consequences due to the debilitating state of the city under Williams’ tenure.

Williams announced his resignation and cited his desire to not see the “political instability that has taken place in Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni spill over into Tshwane” as his reason.

On Monday evening the coalition oversight group met and welcomed his resignation as “an important step in stabilising and ensuring the future of the coalition”.

Coalition spokesperson and FF Plus leader Dr Corne Mulder said the meeting was to ensure the adverse audit outcome the city received is met with consequences.

Mulder said the coalition parties would shift their focus to elect a “suitable mayor who can provide the leadership required to address the serious issues facing the residents of Tshwane”.

“Clear steps have been outlined about how the auditor-general’s (AG) audit findings will be addressed, for which political leadership will be essential.

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“The signed coalition agreement requires the DA, as the party proposing a new candidate for mayor, to consult the multiparty coalition once it has undergone its internal processes to select a new mayoral candidate,” said Mulder.

Yesterday ActionSA chairperson Michael Beaumont expressed the need for political consequences within the coalition and called on the incoming leadership to commit itself to improving service delivery and addressing the important issues.

“There has been an ongoing conversation that there needs to be political consequences in Tshwane relating to the adverse audit finding, the Kratos unsolicited bid proposal, the Rooiwal wastewater treatment plant, and important service delivery issues,” Beaumont said.

Despite this, the coalition parties resolved to get the same party that produced an adverse audit finding to provide another candidate.

Mulder said all coalition partners spoke about the need for leadership capable of addressing the governance concerns identified by the AG.

“All political parties of this coalition reaffirmed their commitment to sustaining the multiparty coalition to ensure it governs for the benefit of all residents and keeps the ANC out of the City of Tshwane. Parties were unequivocal in this commitment.”


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