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After being thrown out of the state of the nation address (Sona) in the Cape Town City Hall on Thursday night, EFF leader Julius Malema praised his MPs outside the venue.

“I think many South Africans are grateful there is an organisation that can stand up to power and demand accountability,” he said. 

“Too many may pretend not to see, but over a period of time, history, when it gives an account, it will absolve all of you that there was a generation of freedom fighters which was not scared to hold the executive accountable.

“Our responsibility is to raise the dissatisfaction of our people. And we did that today [Thursday], unashamedly. We are proud of you. Even tomorrow [Friday], when we are called upon to do so by our people, our organisation will do so unashamedly and proudly, without being scared.”

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Other MPs and members of the public criticised the EFF's storming of the stage where President Cyril Ramaphosa was seated.

DA leader John Steenhuisen said EFF MPs should be sanctioned for their behaviour.

“The EFF should be held accountable for their behaviour tonight [Thursday] and the powers and privileges committee should be looking into them and they should face a sanction as MPs,” he said.


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