The trial of two KwaZulu-Natal men who allegedly stabbed to death a farmer, his wife and father-in-law continues in the Pietermaritzburg high court.
Image: 123RF/albund
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The trial of two men who allegedly stabbed to death a KwaZulu-Natal farmer, his wife and father-in-law after not receiving annual bonuses is continuing in the Pietermaritzburg high court. 

Lizo Madukane, 35, and Thembelani Majola, 28, both from Copesville in Pietermaritzburg, face three murder charges and robbery with aggravated circumstances.

Daniel Casper de Bruin, 58, his wife, Glynis, 60, and his father-in-law Colin Schwegman, 87, were murdered in their farmhouse near Hooggeleè Farm, Bishopstowe, on the outskirts of Pietermaritzburg, on December 14 2020.

State prosecutor, senior advocate Candy Kander, said De Bruin was the manager of Hooggeleè Farm and the three deceased lived together in a house on the farm. 

Madukane and Majola, who are friends, were seasonal workers at the farm.

At the time of the incident, De Bruin was wrapping up business operations for the upcoming festive season.

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The state alleged only permanent employees were awarded year-end bonuses in accordance with the farm's policy. It said the pair were unhappy they were excluded and decided to rob and kill their boss, De Bruin. 

After careful planning, the men went to the farm at about 6pm armed with a knife. At the time, alleged the state, De Bruin was in his workshop a short distance from the house, where his wife and father-in-law were.

Having worked on the farm and been there earlier, the accused knew everyone's whereabouts, the state contended. When they arrived on the property, the pair attacked De Bruin but he fought back, injuring Madukane and Majola. 

However, according to the state, Madukane and Majola overpowered him and fatally stabbed him multiple times. 

The pair then went to the farmhouse where they attacked and fatally stabbed Glynis and her fatherThey then stole cash from a safe, jewellery and other valuables.

The state alleged De Bruin died from multiple stab wounds to his neck, right lung and head. “Mrs de Bruin died as a result of stab wounds to the heart, lungs and neck vessels. Schwegman's cause of death was as a result of an 'intracranial haemorrhage' to his head and stab wounds to his left lung and neck vessels,” alleged the state. 

The pair then fled the scene.

“The accused acted in concert and in furtherance of a common purpose to commit the crimes in the indictment,” added the state. 

The two were arrested the next day. 

The trial continues.


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