A 15 year old girl Anenceba Nkawana who was brutally raped and killed on on the News Day was laid to rest after her Zibungu Village in Libode after Khwalo Funeral Service came to assist the needy family with all costs including a tombstone and buildings the family a house.
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An unemployed mother of a 15-year-old Eastern Cape girl, who was found brutally murdered on New Year’s Day, has expressed relief after being able to give her daughter a dignified burial on Sunday.

Anenceba Nkawana, a grade 9 pupil, was found strangled in Zibungu Village, Libode.

A suspect has been arrested in connection with the attack and is out on bail.

Anenceba’s traumatised mother, Nomonde Nowangile Nkawana, had worried that she wouldn’t be able to give her daughter a proper funeral.

Thanks to a Good Samaritan, Nkawana, who is a widow, has now been able to bury Anenceba. 

The bereaved mom has also been given a brand new house. The family, which has nine children, had previously stayed in a dilapidated structure.

Eastern Cape businessman Luyanda Matandabuzo, of Khwalo Funeral Services, learnt of Nkawana’s plight through a Facebook post.

A tearful Nkawana told mourners: “I did not  know what to do. I did not have money to bury her and asked many people – family, relatives and neighbours – but all are also  struggling to make ends meet.

“I did not know what to do and could not let my daughter be buried like a dog, or given a pauper’s funeral.

“That added salt on the wound that was already painful. I [spent] sleepless nights, not [knowing] how my child would be buried.

“But after [news of the murder and the family’s plight] was taken to social media, Mr Matandabuzo called me.

He said I must relax and mourn my daughter and leave everything to him,” Nkawana said.

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She said though the pain of losing her daughter would always be there she was satisfied she had been buried with dignity. 

Matandabuzo struggled to fight back the tears as he told the mourners of his humble background, saying the circumstances of the family reminded him of how he grew up in a rondavel in Lutshaya village, Port St Johns.

“On the death of my mother I was one of the people who were fixing our decaying and rickety home with mud and sticks, hence I saw that it hit deep.

“Her family situation is similar to how I grew up. As a result, I was sent to live with my uncle Hopson Mabena of Makhwaleni village in Lusikisiki, and only came back when I started working,” Matandabuzo, an accountant, said.

Matandabuzo, his wife, Khuselwa Matandabuzo, and Nkawana all wept during the funeral and mourners had tears in their eyes.

Matandabuzo also offered Nkawana’s eldest daughter, Ntombikayise 23, employment.

“I hope that she will not disappoint but work hard to improve her home and take care of her seven siblings.

“The plight of this family is moving. I cannot sit down and fold my arms while people are suffering,” Matandabuzo said.


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