Two people were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a traditional healer in 2017. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Allan Swart
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The high court in Durban on Tuesday sentenced Duduzile Philisiwe Gumbi and Ngcebo Sheperd Khuzwayo to life imprisonment for the murder of a traditional healer in the Gingindlovu area in February 2017.

Gumbi and the deceased, Zandile Zondo, had a dispute about land and Gumbi decided to kill her. She enlisted the services of Khuzwayo, who sought assistance from Fisokuhle Mfeka.

On the day of the murder, the men armed themselves with a firearm and went to Zondo’s house under the pretext of seeking a consultation.

Once alone with her, Mfeka fatally shot her and the men fled the area.

Gumbi later paid Khuzwayo and they were arrested weeks later.

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Mfeka became mentally ill before the start of the trial and was declared a state patient.

In court prosecutor advocate Dan Magwaza used cellphone evidence and a confession by Gumbi to prove the state’s case, National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Ramkisson-Kara said on Tuesday.

Khuzwayo was also sentenced to a further two years and six months’ imprisonment for possession of a firearm without a licence.

Their application for leave to appeal their conviction and sentence was refused. 


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