The robber swigged from a bottle of wine, leaving behind his DNA. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/igorr
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Having a few swigs of wine on the job has earned a house robber an 18-year “hangover” — behind bars.

Vusi Mahlangu was recently sentenced by the Wynberg regional court for house robbery. Mahlangu, who hails from KwaZulu-Natal, committed the robbery in 2016 at Claremont in Cape Town.

Police spokesperson Ndakhe Gwala said Mahlangu was linked to the crime through DNA.

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“The accused, 37-year-old Vusi Mahlangu from KZN, was linked to a September 2016 house robbery in Devon Street through DNA after he drank wine from a bottle in the house. He tied up the occupants and stole clothing, a television set and jewellery,” said Gwala.

“In the second robbery in June 2017 in Esher Street, the accused was also linked through DNA after he removed jewellery from his victim’s finger using his mouth and teeth. He also stabbed the victim with a screwdriver and stole jewellery and other valuables.”


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