According to the police four tourists were stopped by three armed suspects who were driving in a VW Caddy.
Image: Supplied/SAPS
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Mpumalanga police are looking for three suspects in connection with the murder of a German tourist who was shot dead outside White River on Monday afternoon. 

Spokesperson Brig Selvy Mohlala said the men were driving a VW Caddy and forcefully stopped the tourists who were travelling in a Hyundai H1 along Numbi Road and shot the driver. 

"Police at Masoyi are investigating a terrible incident in which a tourist was fatally shot by a group of ruthless criminals. According to the report, at that time four tourists from Germany were en route to Numbi Gate.

"They were then stopped by three armed suspects. The suspects are said to have instructed the tourists to open the doors of their vehicle but when the driver reportedly locked all the doors, apparently one of the suspects shot him on the upper body through the window.

"It is further said that the victims' vehicle drove in reverse for about 100 meters before crushing into the wall of Heroes Academy," said Mohlala. 

He said the driver died at the scene. 

"The suspects reportedly sped off in their vehicle without taking anything from the tourists. A murder case was opened with an immediate launch of manhunt for the suspects.

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"Police urge anyone with information that may assist in apprehending the perpetrators to immediately call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPSAPP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous," said Mohlala. 

Provincial police commissioner Lt-Gen Semakaleng Manamela condemned the incident, saying: "This is really cruel and uncalled for given the economic challenges that our country is facing. When one has tourists then it means the tourism sector is benefitting in a way which in turn give boost to our struggling economy.

"We call on our good citizens who might have seen or heard anything about these criminals or the VW Caddy they were driving, to come forward and we promise to swiftly act so that they are brought to justice," said Manamela.

SA Tourism says it is concerned about the negative impact the incident may have on tourism.

The organisation said SA receives a large number of tourists from Germany, adding that the country's tourism sector took a knock during the pandemic.

"As a sector, we are aware that crime tops the list of factors that tourists have raised as a concern when choosing SA as a destination. It was with this in mind that at a recent gathering of tourism industry leaders the sector called for SA’s security cluster to help us in bolstering tourism safety and acting fast against acts of criminality that affect the sector’s potential.

“South Africans are welcoming people and this criminal behavior is inconsistent with our warm and welcoming spirit, which is our innate way of life. The protection of all tourists is immensely important to us and therefore we continue to consult the South African Police Services and all related authorities in this regard,” said SA Tourism acting CEO Themba Khumalo.

CEO of the Tourism Business Council of SA Tshfhiwa Tshivhengwa said violence against tourists is equivalent to economic crimes such as stealing copper cables and gold, and something must be done urgently.

”Our teams will meet with our colleagues in the security cluster to discuss ways in which plans to ensure tourist safety are fast tracked ahead of our very busy summer holiday season. SA has everything that any tourist would want to see.

"The Mpumalanga province boasts quaint and charming small towns, amazing safari experiences and iconic landscapes. This, and more, is what visitors from various parts of the world come to experience in our country. It is important that we make sure visitors to our country feel safe to enjoy our wide variety of tourism experiences and establishments."

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