An image captured from the video.
Image: Screengrab via Twitter
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Eastern Cape police were on Thursday morning trying to ascertain if an assault on several women in what appears to be a police station occurred this week, and where.

The incident came to light in a video shared on Twitter, depicting a man hitting and wrestling with several women who are screaming.

The women try to fight back, hitting the man on his head as he wrestles one of them to the floor. A person in a police uniform is caught up in the fracas.

The person who shared the footage claimed the incident took place at Madeira police station on Wednesday night and that the man was not arrested.

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Eastern Cape police spokesperson Brig Thembinkosi Kinana told TimesLIVE police were viewing the video to ascertain the facts.

“As it stands, nothing suggests it is Madeira police station. Once we ascertain which police station it is, we can follow up,” he said.

In 2020, a man was arrested for shooting dead his wife in the Madeira police station when she went in to report a case of domestic violence.


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