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South Africans will get a closer look at the life of the Mandela family in a new reality show soon to be broadcast, the family announced today

The show will focus on the lives of three of former president Nelson Mandela’s grandchildren, its producer Rick Leed told reporters in Johannesburg.

The three - Dorothy Adjoa Amuah, Zaziwe Dlamini-Manaway, and her younger sister Swati Dlamini - grew up in the United States, but had returned to South Africa for business and family reasons.

“This is about three women... breaking away from the [Mandela] legacy to find their own feet,” said director Graeme Swanepoel.

The as yet unnamed show will probably be flighted early in 2012.

“The show will be about our lives as young, black women... We’re  not wearing 'I’m a Mandela' T-shirts,” Swati Dlamini, granddaughter of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, told reporters in Johannesburg on Thursday.

Her cousin Dorothy Adjoa Amuah, granddaughter of the late Evelyn Mandela, said: “We are exposing Africa for what it is... with a new middle class of intellectuals... contributing to the economy”.

They said the show would take an unscripted look at the role of the new generation of women as mothers and careerwomen.

“We’re definitely not the African Kardashians,” Amuah said.

Producer Rick Leed said the reality show would not be trash television, but would have dignity.

“They clearly have a great love [for each other]. This may be part storytelling, part reality, except the story we are telling is  real... it’s not going to detract from the dignity of Nelson Mandela.”   

The trio said the show may feature their cousins, but would not feature their parents and grandparents.


* Zaziwe Dlamini-Manaway, 34, is the mother figure of the show with a 10-year-old son, a 2-year-old daughter and a third child due in January. She is involved in a family business, Mandela Dlamini Associates, and plans to launch a clothing line.

* Swati  Dlamini, 32, is a single mother getting back into the career world with plans to set up a foundation focused on the housing, education and medical sectors.

* Dorothy Adjoa Amuah, 27, is described as a socialite with a law degree and an MBA from Monaco. She is in the luxury brands market.

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