Helen Zille, Picture Credit: Gallo Images
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Western Cape Premier Helen Zille will face disciplinary action after her party decided to charge her over her colonialism tweets.

This follows an investigation into her tweets by the party’s federal legal commission.

 The disciplinary action will also look at statements Zille made following the tweets.

 This may include a speech she made at the Western Cape Provincial legislature where she said her tweets were a statement of fact.

 DA leader Mmusi Maimane told a media briefing in Cape Town that it was not an easy decision to take for his party.

 “The charge against Ms Zille is that she has allegedly violated the party’s federal constitution by acting in a manner which has brought the PARTY into disrepute‚ ” said Maimane.

 He said the hearing will also establish if Zille contravened three other sections of the DA’s constitution.

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