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ANC member Philip Dexter on Tuesday dismissed suggestions that he and other party members had set a 'honey trap' for Marius Fransman, leading to the party's Western Cape leader being charged with sexual assault.

In a denial posted on his Facebook page, Dexter said: "It has been brought to my attention by a number of members of the ANC and by members [of] the press that Mr Fransman is alleging that I, together with others, arranged a so-called 'honey trap' for him by getting a woman to somehow or other falsely accuse him of sexual harassment. Dexter said in a statement posted on his Facebook page.

"This is a ridiculous, desperate and frankly speaking, an insulting allegation, to myself, but more importantly to the complainant in this case."

Fransman is facing sexual harassment allegations after a 20-year-old woman accused him of touching her inappropriately while accompanying him, allegedly as his personal assistant, to the party's birthday celebrations in Rustenburg earlier this month.

Dexter maintained that he did not know the complainant and did not hear about this case until the 9 January 2016.

"I have complained to the ANC about these false allegations about myself and will await the investigation of Mr Fransman's conduct in this regard by the ANC," Dexter said.

He added that he believed Fransman was innocent until proven guilty.


Fransman responded by saying he knew nothing about what Dexter was referring to.

He claimed to have first heard of this through Dexter's Facebook post.

"I never said anything like that. Dexter knows better and should have verified the information with me before he in a libellous manner attempted to tarnish my reputation," Fransman said.

"The matter seems to become more interesting by the day. I will indeed take the matter up with Dexter," he added.

Speaking at a news conference at the weekend, Fransman rubbished the sexual assault allegations against him.

He blamed the accusation on "unknown individuals" who were set on destroying the party, and said there was more to come.

"It's all nonsense. The bottom line is the detail will come out," he said.

Fransman said the accusations against him were a multi-pronged attack, with the major one being in the court of public opinion.

"I can confidently say I know what is behind it. And it does speak to particular individuals, and that will come out as time goes on. I have no illusion that there is more than the eye can see. As this one has failed, there will be another one and another attempt," he said at the time.

He would not elaborate on the "plot".

On Tuesday, Dexter advised Fransman to be less vocal about the incident until it was concluded.

"The utterances by Mr Fransman on this allegation do neither himself nor the complainant any service. Mr Fransman should reserve any comments he wishes to make until the matter is investigated and concluded by the relevant authorities.

"Unfortunately, these wild and baseless allegations by Mr Fransman are characteristic of him and do the ANC no service either," Dexter said.














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