Professor Adam Habib
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Wits University vice-chancellor Adam Habib has called for the ANC to remove President Jacob Zuma from office.

In a spate of Twitter posts on Thursday, Habib lamented Zuma’s poor leadership saying he should be recalled.

"ANC cadres: do the right thing. Recall the president, for the sake of a nation. Our collective future depends on it."

"The firing of Nene aggravates our economic and political crisis. It was stupid and irresponsible. This can no longer be allowed to continue."

In further tweets Habib pleaded with ANC members saying only they could remove Zuma.

"In the short term the problem can only be resolved by the ANC. They put Zuma in the presidency, and only they can take him out."

"ANC cadres: this is a historical moment when you have to be counted - yr obligation to the nation has to transcend your short term pol goals"

Zuma on Wednesday shocked the nation when he recalled Nhlanhla Nene as minister of finance. The move saw the rand plummet with economists and political analysts saying domestic and foreign investment had been compromised.

Critics have called Nene’s replacement, David Van Rooyen, a political puppet with little experience.











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