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A total of 65 Rea Vaya bus drivers were back at work following discussions between the SA Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) and bus operators, the union said on Wednesday.

"There was a bargaining council on March 23 [Monday], where parties, being Samwu and employers concluded a settlement," deputy regional secretary Paul Thlabang said.

"As we speak, they [the 65 drivers] are back at work...The only thing that the parties still needed to engage on was the conditions the employers would accept those employees."

Discussions were still continuing with Piotrans, the largest operating company on the Rea Vaya network.

"With Piotrans, at the same bargaining council, we agreed that we should extend the period for another 30 days, so that time and space will be used by the parties to find each other," Thlabang said.

"A subsequent meeting will now take place next Wednesday at Piotrans, where we hope to deal with issues."

On February 15, Piotrans said striking Rea Vaya bus drivers had been dismissed following a disciplinary hearing.

"All those workers found guilty of misconduct have been dismissed with immediate effect," the company said in a statement at the time.

"The dismissed workers have been notified of their rights to appeal against the sanction imposed against them as a result of the disciplinary inquiry."

The majority of bus drivers failed to heed the call to appear before a disciplinary hearing.

Around 160 drivers abandoned their buses two weeks prior without explanation, with drivers having not communicated their grievances to management, the company said.


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