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Maria Chamisa from Zimbabwe has been forced to keep a piece of her uterus in a bucket at her house after failing to pay for a biopsy.

According to, 65-year-old widow Chamisa underwent a biopsy (the removal of a small piece of tissue for laboratory examination) after experiencing problems with her womb.

“At times when I coughed it would just drop like I was giving birth so doctors suggested that it should be removed. The biopsy was done and I was charged $800. I managed to pay $400 and there is still an outstanding bill,” she said.

The biopsy was conducted on January 20.

Chamisa who is a street vendor was however unable to raise the rest of the money and the laboratory refused to take the sample for testing without payment.

The hospital then reportedly advised her to take the flesh home and keep it in a cool place until she raised laboratory fees, preferably within 30 days.

Chamisa has since taken the sample home where she keeps it in a bucket which she has placed in her dining room.

Zimbabwean Senator Mawire has called for an investigation into the matter.

“As the senator for the area I am not happy at all about this. People should not be punished to this extent because they don’t have money. It’s unheard of,” she said.

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