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This is a man's world but it would not be nothing without a woman so respect her views.

Society is always focusing on what women should do to please her man but who takes care of the woman's needs? In order to help man take better care of the women in their lives we've compiled a list of things they should avoid doing.



• Women do love men who are attentive. Note attentive not needy.

• Don’t be fully depended on her for everything from approval of your decisions on life to little things about taking care of yourself.  She is not your mother but your partner.


Don’t be cheap

• Yes we know times are a little bit tough right now, but please don’t share your comparison of  the cheaper Macdonald meal to the steak we should be having right now.

• Yes we know you would rather have the beer set for R30 in the local tavern, but she would actually love it if once in a while you take her out to a real nice place.

• Finally don’t pick the cheap bottle of wine if you are not going to drink it. Worrying about every little cent looks a bit cheap and a little mean.


Your ex-girlfriend talk

• Are you talking about her? You aren’t over her.

• Are you complaining about her and being nasty? You aren’t over her or really you are not a nice person. Your current woman is thinking: “I wonder what you say about me?”

• So…if you can’t say anything nice about your ex, don’t say anything at all.

• Being positive about your exes is fine, but in small doses.



• There is big difference between bragging and self proclamation. The latter has everything to do with modesty.

• Strong and awesome women don’t like obnoxious men. Guys who say the following are a great turn-off:  “I make x-amount of money” or “you know this is my one of my many cars” or the worst “My exes have all told me how great I am in bed.”

• Engage in conversation that’s not focused on you; try to move it off you.



In this case the stupidity has nothing to do with intelligence; just an inability to think clearly. Most guys would think that they aren’t dumb. But some really have no clue what is happening beyond the bridge of their nose.  It’s okay to speak your mind but read the signs; if she is yawning and looking bored change topics. There is nothing worse than listening to verbal diarrhoea from a person who has no idea of what they are talking about.



There’s a difference between being sexual and being horny. Being sexual means that she’s made you feel passionate and that you want her. That’s attractive to most women, if expressed appropriately.

Being horny is the opposite. Being horny is where you’re looking for someone to have sex with and talk to females who might be able to help with that. Even if that’s what you’re actually doing, women you talk to should never feel that that’s your game plan.



Insecurity is a dangerous road to walk down when you are wanting someone in your life. Nagging or stalking her Facebook activity – does not only cause fights and invade her privacy, but it can creates a big divide in your relationship and your bedroom. Stop it!

You have no idea what your love interest is thinking so don’t make any false assumptions about them. Instead of trying to control and dissect their every thought and move, think about yourself instead!


Being stuck in a porn movie

Life is not a porn movie. Not everyone woman is blond, hairless and ready to drop her panty for you. And you don’t have a magic penis that causes instant orgasms.

Here is a tip; porn is far removed from sexual reality.  Misuse of porn can have a negative effect on your brain that in turn harms your sex life. Don’t expect your love to be Coco and you aren’t the spank master too, stop it! 


Entitlement to sex

You view sex as something owed to you, or something to be taken? Guess what You aren’t owed anything. You don’t have the right to take a damn thing. If a woman  does not want to have sex; she doesn’t want to, end of story!


Read 'Things women do that turn men off'

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