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A young man was stabbed in the head following an attack by a group of Morris Isaacson pupils after school on Wednesday. The fight broke out as the pupils left the school grounds.

The attacker, armed with a knife, chased the victim from the school’s front gate, around the corner past a business complex. Once the fight subsided, the victim took refuge in a nearby home where he awaited medical care.

The young man, who suffered a head wound, sat surrounded by community members who had wrapped his head in bandage to stem the blood.

Mohamed Akbar, whose steel and pipe shop is opposite the school, said violence amongst school gangs is common in the White City area. He said that the gangs smoke nyaope and dagga outside his shop and harass his customers.

“Community leaders might be afraid [to intervene] as well because they are gang fights and if you intervene you’re going to get killed,” he said.

A Morris Isaacson pupil said the victim, who allegedly served time for murder, was outside the school gates waiting for his girlfriend when he was attacked.

Recently, Phumzile Mbeki, 16, also a pupil at Morris Isaacson, said her life was threatened at knife-point over R1.

Community members were reluctant to speak of what they saw and what caused the attack that the Sowetan reporters witnessed.

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