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"Some of the protesters stoned vehicles and blocked the entrances to the university. We had to bring in reinforcements to assist local police," he said.

Rubber bullets and tear gas were used to disperse a group of protesters at the University of Limpopo's Turfloop campus on Thursday, police said.

Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said the protest started on Wednesday night, and continued into Thursday morning.

"Some of the protesters stoned vehicles and blocked the entrances to the university. We had to bring in reinforcements to assist local police," he said.

"The main aim was to open the entrances, and as the police were moving [to enter the university], we were pelted with stones. We used minimal force and used rubber bullets and tear gas."

Mulaudzi said police eventually managed to enter the university and the situation was "brought under control".

Twelve students were arrested and charged with public violence. They would appear in the Mankweng Magistrate's Court soon.

Mulaudzi said police were still trying to ascertain the reason for the protest.

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