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"Senzo Mchunu [received] 50 votes, Blessed Gwala 14 votes, [and] Sizwe Mchunu seven votes," said Ndabezinhle Sibiya, spokesman for the office of the premier of KwaZulu-Natal.

Senzo Mchunu was elected premier of KwaZulu-Natal on Thursday.

"Senzo Mchunu [received] 50 votes, Blessed Gwala 14 votes, [and] Sizwe Mchunu seven votes," said Ndabezinhle Sibiya, spokesman for the office of the premier of KwaZulu-Natal.

Senzo Mchunu had been acting premier since former premier Zweli Mkhize stepped down at the end of August.

Gwala was nominated by the official opposition in the province, the Inkatha Freedom Party, while the Democratic Alliance nominated its provincial leader Sizwe Mchunu.

Mkhize quit last month to be full-time African National Congress (ANC) treasurer general.

After the election in the legislature, the new premier is customarily sworn in and makes an inaugural speech.

Opposition parties are also entitled to nominate a candidate for premier, but the ANC has a majority in the KwaZulu-Natal legislature.

The ANC's provincial secretary Sihle Zikalala said in a statement that it welcomed Mchunu's election.

"Not only is Comrade Mchunu the right candidate for this leadership position, but he also possesses the vision to steer the province to greater heights and improved service delivery -- a path that had been ably blazed by his predecessor, Comrade Zweli Mkhize," he said.

Zikalala said under Mchunu's leadership, the province would continue to "be a model of service delivery".

He urged all sectors of society from business, civil society and community-based organisations to give Mchunu the same level of support that had been granted to previous ANC premiers in the province.

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