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DESPITE efforts by the ANC to deal with issues at Ngaka Modiri Molema district municipality in North West, there is still a long way to go.

The party had been trying to sort out the matter of two suspended mayors - Phaladi Saku of Ngaka Modiri and Afrika Thale of Ramotshere Moiloa local municipality.

Yesterday, the Ngaka Modiri council swore in nine councillors, including newly recommended mayor Sammy Gaolaolwe.

ANC regional secretary Daddy Sebolecwe said the eight councillors were replacing eight who were seconded to their local municipalities.

Sebolecwe said they have also discovered that some of the councillors expelled in Tlokwe were holding secret meetings with organisers of former ANC Youth League president Julius Malema's new political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters.

"The ANC has once again displayed its political maturity when it dealt with a holocaust created by the expelled councilors. Emphatically, the ANC has run out of patience, and our journey with them should end here as they have voluntarily taken another route to the Economic Freedom Fighters."

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