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Scrutiny of a fitness test that was part of a Road Traffic Inspectorate recruitment process will continue in Pietermaritzburg on Thursday.

A commission of inquiry, which KwaZulu-Natal premier Zweli Mkhize established, is probing the deaths of eight job applicants during the fitness test in Pietermaritzburg on December 27 and 28.

On Wednesday, Ravenda Padayachee, SC, for the KwaZulu-Natal transport department, said that one of the applicants, Sibonakaliso Mhlanga, died in hospital after suffering an epileptic seizure.

A friend of his who also applied and underwent the test, Njabulo Manqele, told the commission that when he saw Mhlanga at the hospital, he had severe bruises on his knees.

"What came to my mind was that he fell and people had trampled on him," he said.

Padayachee said the advertisement for the trainee positions specified that a stringent physical assessment was required.

During cross-examination he said Manqele had criticised the provincial government for giving only two days' notice of the fitness test.

"Please note that successful candidates will be subjected to full medical examination to determine fitness before confirmation of appointment," the advertisement read.

Padayachee said if Manqele had read the advert he would not be criticising the government.


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