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He is accused of savagely beating her

MICHAEL Padayachee, accused of savagely assaulting Tina Mbili, has been arrested.

A three-week massive manhunt, involving a special task team and members of the Tactical Response Team, ended early yesterday morning after a tip-off from a police informant.

“We received information that he was in Verulam. He was walking on a street in Verulam when he drove up to him. He realised he was trapped so he did not try to flee,” head of the task team Colonel Reuben Govender said.

Padayachee, who is Mbili’s former lover and the father of her 17- month-old daughter, was charged with attempted murder and held in Phoenix Police Station holding cell.

He is expected to appear in court today .

Padayachee had gone into hiding after he allegedly beat Mbili and left her for dead in a Phoenix park.

Last week, he allegedly sent Mbili several text messages threatening to “finish her off”.

Mbili had obtained an interim protection order against Padayachee, and two domestic violence cases in which he is the accused are pending.

When Padayachee had appeared in court in July for assault, intimidation, and crimen injuria — after he allegedly tried to kidnap his daughter — Phoenix police had vehemently opposed bail.

However, he was released.

Mbili’s sister, Ross Harichand let out a sigh of relief when she learnt of Padayachee’s arrest.

“For the first time in a long time we can sleep easily. We have been living in fear for such a long time that it seems almost unreal that this man has been arrested. I really thought he would get away with it,” she said.

Harichand will be in court today but Mbili was not “physically or emotionally well” to come face to face with Padayachee.

“Tina’s injuries have to heal and she cannot go anywhere at the moment. She is also suffering emotionally and has to go for counselling. She will recover but she is not yet ready to go to court,” she said.

According to Mbili’s statement to police last week, she had been living with Padayachee for a week in Phoenix when they had gone to a local tavern after work on the day of the attack.

Their daughter was with Padayachee’s mother at the time.

The assault had taken place as they walked home, she said.

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