THIS is the road Portia Makamu has travelled to try and further her studies..

2008: Applied for ID book for the first time. Told to expect it in three months. Was told the delay resulted from someone changing her date of birth on her application form.

2010: Wrote her matric final examinations in Limpopo using her birth certificate with her original ID number and obtained an exemption.

2010: Applied to TUT to study diagnostic radiography. Turned away because she had no ID book and there was no proof that her senior certificate belonged to her. Cannot further her studies or apply for a job.

Nov 2011: Received her ID from Home Affairs. Department issued her with a new ID number.

2012: Applied again with her new ID and senior certificate and turned away once again because the ID numbers did not match.

March 2012: Got confirmation letter from Home Affairs explaining the mix-up.

March 2012: Applied to Department of Education for re-issuing of her senior certificate with the correct ID number that corresponded with her new ID. Paid R250 for application and told to expect the certificate in two months.

June 2012: No word from the Department of Education. Made enquiries at the department and was told they cannot help her.

June 2012: Sowetan accompanies Makamu to the education department head office. Makamu was told that her application had not been processed because the national department does not have access to the system. Only the provincial departments have access to the system.

June 2012: Makamu was also told that her application would be sent to Limpopo and she should expect her senior certificate in six weeks. The department says she will receive her statement of symbols immediately and the certificate within two months.

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