ANC chairman in the Peter Mokaba region in Limpopo, Lawrence Mapoulo, made his detractors eat humble pie when he was re-elected at the weekend.

Mapoulo beat his challenger and mayor of the Blouberg municipality, Serite Sekgoloane, by 17 votes.

He obtained 97 votes against Sekgoloane's 80. This was despite both the ANCYL and Veterans League being barred from voting at the regional elective conference held at the Gateway International Airport in Polokwane

Mapoulo's retention could be a blow to President Jacob Zuma's bid for a second term as ANC leader. Mapoulo is a close friend of premier Cassel Mathale and expelled youth league president Julius Malema, both of whom want Zuma to be replaced at the national conference in Mangaung in December.

There had been doubts that Mapoulo would emerge victorious as many branches had nominated Sekgoloane as their preferred candidate. Two weeks ago, the Vhembe region also held its conference where another of Zuma's detractors, Matibe Tshitereke, won the regional chairmanship.

Mapoulo's deputy is Nelson Ntsewa, Matome Mafikeng was elected secretary, with Patricia Mahlo as deputy secretary and John Mpe as treasurer. Provincial ANC spokesman Makonde Mathivha said the conference was about the "continued fight for economic freedom".

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