NURSE Ngobeni is aware that disposing of human waste in the Jukskei poses a health hazard and pollutes the river, but says she has no option.

The Stjwetla informal settlement resident said: "The mobile toilets are filthy. Everyone uses them and they are not cleaned. That is unhealthy for my family. So we use buckets and throw the waste in the river. Where else should we throw it?"

Ngobeni said she moved to the area with her husband in 1996. They have two children Gladys, 6, and Evans, 11.

"This place is not safe for us and our children. My husband is the only one who is employed. We can barely make ends meet, but we are surviving," Ngobeni said.

"I would love to move to the township. But we cannot. Not unless we are allocated a house.

"We cannot afford to pay rent. Renting in the townships is expensive.

"We have voted so many times, but there is no better life. The government has not done anything for us," said Ngobeni.

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