JACKIE Selebi's legal fees now run into millions of rand, a bill we cannot afford.

The government has mentioned on many occasions that it did not have money, even to pay the country's poor public servants.

It's a pity that money that is supposed to benefit public servants is being wasted on corrupt government officials and used to pay for a legal battle that had nothing to do with us taxpayers.

On Tuesday Safety and Security Minister Nathi Mthethwa confirmed in writing that Selebi's legal fees up to June 30 this year has cost taxpayers R17,4 million.

Asked whether the minister would recuperate the costs already paid for Selebi's legal fees in the light of the top cop having been found guilty, Mthethwa said it would only be considered once Selebi's appeal case had been finalised.

It is clear that taxpayers have to fork out money for someone who has been found guilty of being a criminal by a court of law.

From the court case it appeared that Selebi's assets amount to about R3,4 million. The asset forfeiture unit could only recover R320,722.

This indicates a loss of about R14,7 million for taxpayers.

The state should also not make any further payments for Selebi's appeal case since it would be a waste of taxpayers' money.

This money could be used for so many government programmes, such as service delivery, rural development, land reform, education and health or even pay the country's public servants who are earning peanuts.

Tshepo Diale, GaRankuwa

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